Contact Information
Social Media Accounts
Youtube Channel URL:
Snapchat Account:
TikTok Account:
Pinterest Account:
Twitter Account:
Other Social Media Accounts:
Business Information
Website URL:
Tell us about your business:
Tell us about your target customer:
What is your target cost to acquire each customer?
Which forms of Marketing & Advertising are you currently using?
Search Engine Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Video Advertising
Inbound Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Email Marketing
Outdoor Advertising
Radio Advertising - Traditional
Radio Advertising - Digital
TV Advertising - Local TV & Local Cable
TV Advertising - National
Print Advertising
Direct Mail Advertising
Who are you top three competitors?
Do you have a Google Ads account?
Facebook Information
Facebook Page URL
Do you currently have an ads account set up in the Facebook business manager? (
Not sure
What are your goals for Facebook advertising? (Check any that apply)
Increase sales - retail store(s)
Increase sales - e-commerce
Increase branding & awareness
Increase mobile app installs
Increase video views
Generate leads
Increase visitors to website
Increase followers
Increase engagement on Facebook
Which of the following placements are you interested in running ads?
Facebook Newsfeed (Desktop)
Facebook Newsfeed (Mobile)
Facebook Right Column
Instagram Feed
Instagram Stories - Vertical Ads
Facebook Audience Network
Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Midroll Video Ads
Facebook Live
Please enter the URL's for any landing pages you would like traffic sent to from the Facebook ads (One per line)
Do you have any daily, weekly or monthly goals you want to achieve with Facebook & Instagram ads?
What is your total monthly advertising budget?
Please leave any additional comments or relevant information that was not requested in the questions above.
Brand / Marketing assets
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